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Digital estate planning for today’s world

As the internet of things has arrived, you have assets that are digital which, while covered by normal estate planning, may require more instructions.

Have you thought about?

  • What are your digital assets?
    • domain names
    • hosting
    • phone numbers
    • online stored photos and videos
    • email accounts
    • social media accounts
    • bank and investment accounts
  • What will be necessary to access and control these digital assets?
  • Who will have a list of accounts, usernames, and passwords if you are physically or mentally unable to access them yourself?
  • Who will be able to access your data backups on your computer or in the cloud?
  • Do your present legal documents provide the proper consent to be able to access your digital assets?

Most people have some type of planning to pass on physical assets: jewelry, furniture, guns, and other valuables.  It could be a written memorandum or even sticky notes (like my mother used).

But what about the 1,587 family photos that are stored in Google, Dropbox or Apple iCloud storage?  Will they be lost forever or will someone be able to access them on your phone or computer?

Who will be able to access your Facebook, Instagram or other social media?  What about photos or videos that may be stored there?  Will they be gone forever?

What about your business digital assets?  Websites, domains, hosting accounts, software access and other digital things?

Where are your financial records stored?  Phones, computers, the cloud, and websites like banking or financial transactions like Fidelity are all commonly used to transact personal and business transactions.

Here are some you might not have considered:

  • Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum Classic, Bitcoin SV., etc.
  • Quicken, Quickbooks or other financial programs
  • Domain names for websites through GoDaddy, Namecheap or other service
  • Web hosting through GoDaddy, Bluehost or other service
  • YouTube channels or other online video hosting
  • Google accounts
  • Online gaming
  • Online betting accounts
  • Blogs or other online content hosting
  • Normal bank accounts

In today’s world, there are YouTube channels that have been monetized through advertising or affiliate marketing that can generate thousands of dollars in monthly income.  Without proper authorization, those assets could be completely lost!

What is proper authorization?

When you logged into an online account last, what did you have to do to get access?

  • Username
  • Password
  • Solve a captcha?
  • Receive a text code on a mobile phone?
  • Answer a security question or several?

If you went on an errand and were in an accident and died, would your family be able to gain access to those digital assets?

So how do you preserve authorization and access through your estate plan?

What will be needed to provide access?

  1. Record the proper information. 

What are your accounts?  Create a list so that your family will know what digital assets you have and how they can get access.



Security questions

What mobile number is attached

How do you protect the list so that it cannot be used improperly?

A physical record can be kept in a safe place like a safety deposit box or lock storage (also fireproof), just like you keep your original will, passports, etc.

Secure online storage is also available.  I always suggest using a name for it that does not indicate what it is.  In other words, don’t use anything that indicates or say “Passwords”.   Try something like Pet names, Recipes or something that is not quite so interesting to a searcher. 

Check into online secure storage.  Roboform, 1Password, and Dashlane are highly rated.

  1. Do you really own the asset? Even though you “bought it”, software programs may only be a license to use the program and it may not be transferable.  If you used a media company to create a website and pay a monthly fee, you may discover that the media company has complete control and ownership.  If you don’t continue to pay the monthly fee, it’s gone!

Website source code can be copied and the site can be cloned but you can’t do that once it is gone!

  1. Cloud storage backups.   You may have data backed up in the cloud,  but is it also backed up on a “hard drive” that is not on the cloud.  You may also choose to have an additional online backup.  It is also a good idea to scan very important documents.  Bank statements are only stored in your bank online account to be accessible for a year.  You may need them for tax purposes when they are no longer available.  Scans of birth certificates, passports, licenses, and other important documents is a great idea.  Remember though that your original will must be retained.   It is difficult to probate a copy of a will. 

When backing up thing, remember that “belt and suspenders” overkill is appropriate.  Multiple backups are recommended but make sure that you stay secure.

  1. Do your estate planning documents provide proper authorization?  Take the time to review your documents.  Blanket authorizations may not suffice.  Make sure that you have a HIPAA release for medical information.  Make sure that your fiduciaries can have access to and reset or recover your passwords and user names.

Review your estate plan at least once a year.  Make sure your lists are kept updated.  The laws regarding digital assets are constantly changing to keep us with the rapid changes.

If you have not had your annual review, please call us today to follow up, 210-690-3700 or schedule on the calendar, .  We have a checklist that we used in the review but it is important to have the personal review, even by Zoom, to keep things current and make sure what the facts are for the situations.

Estate Planning and Probate Attorney

Estate Planning and Probate Attorney
James Montgomery

Estate Planning Attorney

An estate planning lawyer can provide you with a sense of security and protection by helping you design an estate plan that fits your needs and goals.  Most people think that an estate plan only applies when you die to specify who gets your “stuff”.  Estates don’t have to be “big” with lots of money and assets to have the proper estate planning.  An estate lawyer though can go through a checklist with you to plan for retirement, the potential of disability during your life, the protection of your children in the event you and your spouse are in an accident, as well as planning for what happens when you die.

You may search for an “estate lawyer near me” or “estate planning attorney near me” or “estate attorney near me” but in today’s world that attorney does not have to be in the same town as you are located.  It is best to have someone who is in the same state where you reside as laws affecting estate plans and probate differ from state to state.  The state where your property is located is the proper place to do a probate if one is necessary.

What is involved in working with an estate planning attorney?  Your estate planning lawyer will have a questionnaire that will guide you through the various decisions that you can make.  Often, going through a checklist will simplify your plan and make sure that you have not missed important documents and options that you have to choose.

You can download our checklist with no obligation Just click here. You can call 210-690-3700 to schedule a time to get to know each other.  You can also use our online calendar,

While many people prefer a face to face meeting, most people have found in today’s world that video conferencing and telephone along with email have streamlined the process of doing an estate plan.  Documents can be quickly reviewed with email.  Final documents can be produced and signed without having to go to the estate planning attorney’s office.  Signatures still in most states need to be done in front of witnesses and a notary public.  But the signers only have to be in the presence of the notary public normally.

What types of documents should you have as part of your estate plan?

In Texas, where I am located, probate is simple.  I refer to it as the 15 minute probate state as the only court appearance in front of a judge takes 15 minutes although you may wait an hour for the hearing.  In short, you don’t need to avoid probate in Texas.  In states like California, Michigan, New York and Florida, where probate is difficult, lengthy and expensive, a living trust or intervivos trust is recommended because trusts don’t die. 

In Texas, you don’t need a trust to avoid probate.  A trust lawyer might advise you to use a living trust for other reasons.  A living trust attorney can craft a trust for a special needs situation where because of disabilities, an individual cannot or will not be able in the future to manage finances.  A special needs trust can protect assets if a person needs to utilize Medicare or Medicaid benefits but does not want to use personal assets before being able to access those programs or wants to avoid reimbursement claims from the government programs.  If you have questions about whether a trust should be used, consult with a trust attorney like me near where you are located.  If you are going with a living trust, make sure you have an experienced living trust attorney who does those trusts fairly frequently and best has some litigation experience involving trusts.

So if your estate planning attorney does not recommend a living trust, what documents and review should you do?  Estate planning should include a complete review of your situation:  your assets and liabilities, retirement goals, business ownership(s), cash flows, family situation, education plans, life insurance policies and potential needs, and what should happen to all of your property if you should become disabled or die.  Do you have buy sell agreements involving your business and how are they funded?  A will lawyer will have an extensive questionnaire and checklist to guide those conversations which might also involve your CPA or tax preparer.

Will Attorney

What documents do you need if you are using a will as the basis for your planning:

  1.  Will
  2. Financial power of attorney (Statutory Power of Attorney)
  3. Medical power of attorney (Durable Power of Attorney)
  4. HIPAA Release
  5. Directive to Physicians (Living Will)
  6. Beneficiary Designation for bank accounts and life insurance

You can find will attorney by searching “will attorney near me” on google.  Of course, you are already on the page of a will attorney so you need look no further.

You can call 210-690-3700 to schedule a time to get to know each other.  You can also use our online calendar,

If you have questions about the documents above, I have prepared a series of lessons that will educate you on each of the documents.  Although I strongly recommend against it, you may wonder how to make a will without a lawyer.  One of the lessons covers how to do make a will without a lawyer and the pitfalls that await the non-lawyer doing his or her own legal work.

Two of the most important documents are the financial power of attorney and the medical power of attorney.  Perhaps worse than death, if that can be said, is the debilitating injury that disables one from being able to make decisions, a stroke or severe head injury or other situation that destroys ones capacity to make decisions.  If one knows that a medical condition like Alzheimers or other diseases will result in that status, then a living trust or special needs trust should be considered.  But one never knows when a serious injury or stroke might occur, having the powers of attorney in place can avoid the necessity of hiring a guardianship lawyer to file a guardianship.

A guardianship is a guardianship attorney’s dream.  Imagine having to file a motion and get a court order to handle the day to day affairs of a person.  The attorneys fees in a guardianship are large and ongoing.  Yet that situation is easily avoidable simply by having the durable power of attorney (medical) and the statutory power of attorney (financial) in place.  Those powers of attorney allow someone to stand in your shoes and make decisions for you without any court intervention.

Why a medical power of attorney?  We have all seen the medical shows on TV that talk about how in an emergency the next of kin can make decisions.  What people don’t realize is that decision making power like that is very limited.  If you need a blood transfusion or elective surgery, the hospital needs someone with full power to make decisions.  Perhaps you don’t have any next of kin or they live in New York or the west coast and are unavailable.  Your girlfriend, boyfriend, or significant other is not your next of kin.  There is no need to take a risk, just get a medical power of attorney signed.

Likewise the financial power of attorney allows someone to make financial decisions, pay bills, and take other day to day actions that we all do without thinking about.  If you are the only person on your bank account, who will pay your bills if you are in a bad car accident and can’t function for months (or forever)?  What if you get sick with COVID or something and are in a medical induced coma?  There is no need to take a risk, just get a financial power of attorney signed.

What does getting an estate planning package cost?  Our firm does everything on a fixed fee basis, no hourly fees unless we agree on that in advance for special services.  Typically, a complete estate plan will run $2500.00 and includes not only the document preparation but also a financial overview and insurance overview.  That fee also includes annual review sessions for five years and a reduced fee for any changes that you want to make during the five years (five years from the date of signing).   We also provide options that you may choose for additional fees like a transfer on death deed, a children’s trust, minor child protection plan, and other specialize but desired options.

You can call 210-690-3700 to schedule a time to get to know each other.  You can also use our online calendar,

Probate Attorney

So what happens when you die?  What do we do as your probate attorney?

The process for probate in Texas is to locate the original will (copies only in very limited situations can be used.  Then an application to probate the will is prepared and filed with the probate court where you live.  A search for a “probate lawyer near me” might be appropriate if you live a significant distance from San Antonio, Texas.  However in this hopefully post-pandemic world many of the hearings are now conducted by Zoom so probates can be handled all over Texas.

The process that I, as your probate lawyer, will guide you through will first be to gather the information about all of the assets and liabilities of the deceased’s estate.    What property was owned: real estate, personal property, bank accounts, insurance policies, intellectual property,  etc.  What did the deceased owe:  mortgages, loans, credit cards, debts, bills, etc.

Who are the heirs of the person who has died and how can they be contacted?

When the application to probate is filed, notice must be given to the heirs and beneficiaries.   Public notice is given by posting notice on the courthouse bulletin board.  Ten days later the Court will hold a hearing on the application and enter an order admitting the will to probate.  The executor has to attend and testify although many of the hearings are done online rather than in person due to current conditions.

The next steps with your probate lawyer are to inventory the estate.  We don’t file inventories at the courthouse anymore unless there is an issue and the judge insists.

Our firm will assist with making sure any assets are transferred and all funds in accounts properly collected and delivered to the designated beneficiaries.  Our goal is to make the process as painless as possible and with as little of your time as possible.

You can call 210-690-3700 to schedule a time to get to know each other.  You can also use our online calendar,

Probate Lawyer

Probate Lawyer
James Montgomery – Probate Lawyer

Probate Lawyer

Call now to schedule an interview at 210-690-3700

Or click here to schedule a call

Texas is a 15 minute probate state. What is a probate lawyer? He or she is the lawyer who will advise you how simple the process is in Texas. You literally will appear before the probate judge for 15 minutes or less. In most counties, probates are scheduled at a particular time and you may have to wait 45 minutes or so for your time to appear.

How much does a probate lawyer cost? Depending on the complexity of the deceased’s estate, a few thousand dollars or more. The lawyer makes sure you have all the assets accounted for and properly transferred. The more you do in advance, the less is required at probate and the lower the cost. Probate is not expensive in Texas as it is in states like California, New York and Florida where you should have a living trust.

Would you like a complimentary will and estate planning checklist? Click here to get one.

Act Now! There’s Still Time to Avoid the New IRS Regulations That Might Raise Taxes on Your Family’s Inheritance

Act Now! There’s Still Time to Avoid the New IRS Regulations That Might Raise Taxes on Your Family’s Inheritance


The IRS recently released proposed regulations which effectively end valuation discounts that have been relied upon for over 20 years. If the IRS’s current timetable holds, these regulations may become final as early as January 1, 2017. Although that date isn’t set in stone, I expect that the regulations will be final around that time or shortly thereafter.


With New Regulations Looming, What Should You Do Now?


As I mentioned before, the timetable isn’t set in stone. Luckily, there’s still a narrow window of time to implement “freezing” techniques under current, more favorable law, to save taxes and protect your family’s inheritance.


Depending on your circumstances, some options are going to be a better fit than others, and I want to make sure you get the best outcome possible. Some of these “freezing” techniques involve the use of a family business entity to own and operate your family fortune, in combination with one or more special tax-saving trusts. These plans provide numerous benefits including asset protection, divorce protection, centralized management of assets, and more – in addition to the tax savings.


Unfortunately, these types of plans can take 2-3 months to fully implement and time is running short.

What to do next?  Let’s have coffee and do a free consult on whether this step will help you.



Your range of available choices right now has no limits.

The only limits you have are in your mind.

You’ve got it in you to succeed. Just make up your mind and stick with it.

You weren’t born with any limits on your powers or any set limits to your capacity.

At any moment, you have more possibilities than you can act upon.

Imagine your possibilities and your vision expands.

Capture your dreams in your mind and your life becomes full.

Reach out and touch the limits of your being in your mind.

If you think you can, you can.


You can do anything in this world you want to do, but you must want to do it badly enough.

You really can have everything you want, if you go after it. You have to want it.

The first ingredient of success is desire. Do you know what you want? Your desire is the planting of your seed.

Your desire for success must be so strong within you that it’s the very breath of your life.

It must be your first thought when you wake in the morning, and your last thought when you go to bed at night.

You can be whatever you make up your mind to be. What’s in your mind is all that counts.



You can respond positively or negatively to any situation.

Your attitude is not determined by circumstances, but by how you respond to your circumstances.

Any challenge facing you is not as important as your attitude towards it, for that will determine your success or failure.

It’s how you react to events, not the events themselves, that determines your attitude.



The truly successful person doesn’t use others, other people use them.

If you can contribute to others, no matter how small your talent, you too can become successful. The measure of anyone is the number of people that they serve.

Service to others is the essence of success.
No one achieves success without being of service.

All great men and women became successful because they gave some talent or ability in the service of others.

Everybody has to be somebody to somebody to be anybody.



“Keep trying” is the rule that must be followed to be successful at anything.

Your success will always be connected with your actions. Just keep moving towards your goal.

You’ll make mistakes but don’t ever quit. You may even have to hang on after others have let go.

Persistence means taking pains to overcome every obstacle, to do all that’s necessary to reach your goal. In the end, the only people who fail are those that do not try.

Your future is a big adventure. Just remember, all great achievement takes time.