Category Archives: Exit Strategy



The world is so constructed that if you wish to enjoy its pleasures, you must also endure its pains. 

Like it or not, you cannot have one without the other. 

Success is not measured by what you accomplish. It’s measured by the opposition you encounter, and the courage with which you maintain your struggle against the odds. 

You’ll find all things are difficult before they are easy. The greater your obstacles, the more glory in overcoming them. 

So, make up your mind before you start that sacrifice is part of the package. 

No pain, no gain; No thorns, no throne; No cross, no crown. 

You’ve got to go through the negative before you get to the positive.


Will Your Business Sell for What It Should?

Have You Fired Yourself?

Will Your Business Sell for What It Should?

Ultimate Guide To Selling A Business

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You need a plan to find success.

Wanting success isn’t sufficient enough to get it. You’ve got to ask yourself, “What are you going to do to get the things you want.”

Your problem is to bridge the gap which exists between where you are now and the goal you intend to reach.

You cannot fail with a definite step by step plan, because each step you take will carry you along to the next step, like a track.

All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.

You can not get lost on a straight road.

Escaping The Corporate Cubicle

Escaping The Corporate Cubicle

Have you ever felt like you were trapped?

Trapped in the corporate cubicle…trapped in a job you may not enjoy…trapped doing something that consumes your life and is not getting you to your goals?

One of our mentors shared this story recently….

“I worked in corporate consulting in a forty-five story office building in New York City. I thought I had it made. I worked 60 hours a week, got 15 days of vacation a year and had a nice manager title, nice benefits and great people I worked with…

…but I felt trapped. I felt like the goals I really wanted in life were slipping away as I worked my tail off each week in the cubicle.

I had an aha-moment the day I shared my dream with one of my corporate mentors, who patted me on the shoulder and said: ‘The only security you will ever have in life is what you create for yourself’.

Reflecting on his powerful comment as I walked back to my cubicle, I understood that to achieve what I wanted long term, I had to prepare and condition myself mentally and emotionally, toughen up my belief and confidence, and bullet-proof my vision with the right skill sets and action steps for this new business and life direction.”

So how do you escape the corporate cubicle?

It all starts with a desire like my mentor above.

Then it takes ACTION.

You actually have to make a plan to get yourself out of that Rat Race and follow up with it.

Here is a list of some of the things you should have on your “Action Plan”

  1. Find an opportunity or business that you are going to start. Do your research and make sure that it is something you will enjoy doing but not only that…something that actually makes money. Too many times people embark on opportunities because it sounds fun…but they soon find the financial rewards were not as great as they thought in the beginning.Look at other successful people in that opportunity and find out what they are doing and how much they are making and importantly what they had to do to get there. Not all opportunities are equal. Pick one that is growing and will give you the opportunity to rise up with it.
  2. Create a business plan. Put realistic goals and expectations. You are in this for the long run. With a good opportunity it may take you a few years or more to get to the point where you can quit that job forever…but realize when you do YOU ARE FREE! So make a long-term business plan. People who fail, usually don’t have a business plan and they think success should be instant.
  3. Fill your mind with POSITIVE information and teachings. Read Thank and Grow Rich and As a Man Thinketh. Listen to the teachings of Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Earl Nightengale, Denis Waitley, and Dale Carnegie to name a few. Let them become your coaches and mentors.
  4. TAKE MASSIVE ACTION! Decide what you want to do and GO FOR IT! Find the time in your life even if you are super busy. Work on your new business during your lunch hour, early in the morning, late at night. Find the time. You can do it because you know the rewards will be worth it.A few years of time sacrifice will be worth it when you break out of the cubicle and live a life of freedom!

It is very possible to reach your goals and escape the Rat Race if you really want it. Sure there will be bumps in the road and it may not always turn out exactly like you wanted and you may have to change courses a few time.

…but if you stay the course, work hard, and never quit… You will be rewarded.

Remember the day you walk away from your job and are carrying your box of personal items out to your car…not because you were fired or laid off…

…but because you QUIT!

(Don’t forget to have someone take pictures of you with your box of stuff as you walk to your car…it will be part of your story!)

If you are looking for a great opportunity that can help YOU escape the cubicle, watch the video below and see what I’m doing.

Watch This Video

…and follow the simple steps. It’s working for me and thousands of others out there online.

To your success,

Jim Montgomery

San Antonio Business Law

The Monkey Story – Developing Procedures

The Monkey Story

It seems that there was a research project in which the scientists used four monkeys, a ladder and a banana. They put the four monkeys in a room with the ladder and put the banana on top of the ladder.

As monkeys will, the first monkey smelled the banana and started up the ladder. When he got half way up, the scientists turned on a water cannon filled with ice cold water. The cannon knocked the first monkey off the ladder and then iced down the other three monkeys. The monkeys huddled in the room shivering from the cold bath.

After a while, once the monkeys had warmed up, a second monkey smelled the banana and started up the ladder. Again, the water cannon came on, knocked her off the ladder and iced down the other monkeys for good measure.

When the third monkey started to go up the ladder for the banana, the other three monkeys grabbed him and beat the “you know what” out of the errant monkey. The scientists were quite surprised to see that behavior. They decided to introduce a new element into the experiment.

One of the monkeys was removed from the room and replaced by a new monkey. Before long, the new monkey smelled the banana and headed up the ladder. Sure enough, the other three monkeys grabbed the new monkey pulled her down and beat the tar out of her.

The scientists again replaced one of the first group of monkeys and the scenario repeated itself. They kept replacing monkeys until all of the original monkeys who had been iced down were gone.

When the new monkey went for the banana, guess what happened?  That’s right, the rest of the monkeys taught the new monkey not to go for the banana!  And none of them knew why they did it any more!

Is this how procedures are developed at your business?

Need help?  Call us at 210-690-3700 for a free no obligation consultation.  Get twice as much for your business or fire yourself and keep the money coming.

Is your business building equity or are you just creating a job that looks like a business?

In fact, there is ultimately only one reason to create a business of your own, and that is to sell it.” Michael Gerber, The E-Myth Revisited.

Most people create a new business so that they can do what they love to do They think they can make a business out of their talent. The new business owner may not realize that there is much more to creating a business than just doing the technical work.

Financials, marketing, ordering, collecting, etc.

Here’s the question?

Is your business building equity or are you just creating a job that looks like a business?

Here is the audience participation part 

1. If you take off all of next week and do nothing in your business, what will happen to the income of the business?

2. If you take off all of next week and do nothing in your business, what will happen to the flow of new business?

3. Do you have a written business continuity plan?

4. Do you have videos or audios of your plans for the business over the next three years?

5. When someone calls your office to schedule an appointment, does someone different answer the phone and/or do they have a set script to use to answer the call and close the appointment?

6. Who is your favored buyer for your business?

Do you have a name ready or do you have no clue whom the buyer would be?

7. If you do not come back from your next appointment, ever, who will sign checks at your company?

8. Will your death cause your company’s lines of credit to be called due?

9. Do you have a checklist to be followed if you are suddenly disabled and unable to care for the business?

10.  And the magic question:

Have you fired yourself yet?